Manado United Logo

Manado United 9 adalah sebuah tim sepak bola Indonesia yang berbasis di Kota Manado. Klub yang didirikan tahun 2010 ini bermain di Liga Primer Indonesia musim 2011.

Berikut Logo Manado United 9

Manado United Logo
#logo #Manado

Manado United 9 or simply known as MU-9 is an Indonesian football club based in Manado, North Sulawesi. The team plays in Liga Primer Indonesia.

The Meaning Logo The ship steering wheel signifies the wheel of a large vessel capable of passing big storms.

Images of water and fish symbolize the city of Manado as a Marine City. Football is expected to help raise the image of Manado as Marine City. Meanwhile, the number nine signifies the 9 united tribes of Minahasa and its 9 districts

Manado United 9 or simply known as MU-9[2] is an Indonesian football club based in Manado, North Sulawesi. The team plays in Liga Primer Indonesia.

The Meaning Logo

The ship steering wheel signifies the wheel of a large vessel capable of passing big storms.

Images of water and fish symbolize the city of Manado as a Marine City. Football is expected to help raise the image of Manado as Marine City. Meanwhile, the number nine signifies the 9 united tribes of Minahasa and its 9 districts

Manado United Logo

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