LOGO BPK RI (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan)

Arti dan Lambang BPK RI
Lambang Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan berbentuk bulat dan terdiri dari:
- Garuda Pancasila melambangkan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan sebagai Lembaga Tinggi Negara menjunjung tinggi Pancasila sebagai satu-satunya azas Negara Republik Indonesia serta berkewajiban melestarikan Pancasila dan UUD 1945.
- Motif Cakra melambangkan senjata yang dimiliki Batara Wisnu yang berfungsi sebagai senjata untuk menjaga ketentraman dunia dari angkara murka. Cakra merupakan bentuk utama Lambang Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan adalah sebagai alat Bangsa Indonesia untuk menjaga agar pengelolaan keuangan negara yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah selalu tertib, berdaya guna dan berhasil guna.
Tiga buah mata tombak melambangkan bahwa ruang lingkup Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan meliputi :
- Pemeriksaan atas penguasaan dan pengurusan keuangan serta ketaatan terhadap peraturan dan perundangan.
- Pemeriksaan atas daya guna (efisiensi dan kehematan) ekonomi.
- Pemeriksaan atas hasil program (efektivitas). - Empat puluh tujuh buah lengkung-lengkung kecil pada sisi bagian luar Cakra melambangkan tahun kelahiran Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan yaitu tahun 1947.
- Bunga teratai berkelopak tujuh lembar yang menompang Cakra merupakan "Padmasana" yang berarti tahta bunga teratai melambangkan kesuburan lahir batin.
- Makna Cakra ditopang oleh bunga teratai tersebut ialah Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan sebagai Lembaga Tinggi Negara melaksanakan tugas konstitusionalnya terlepas dari pengaruh kekuasaan pemerintah dan Lembaga-lembaga Tinggi lainnya, sehingga memberikan jaminan terhadap independensi dalam setiap kegiatan.
- Tujuh lembar kelopak bunga teratai juga melambangkan bahwa Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan dalam melakukan tugasnya senantiasa berlandaskan pada kode etik Sapta Prasetya Jati dan Ikrar Pemeriksa yang masing-masing berjumlah tujuh butir.
- Warna Lambang
Garuda Pancasila dan Cakra berwarna kuning emas, mempunyai makna keluhuran dan keagungan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan sebagai Lembaga Tinggi Negara, sedangkan warna putih pada kelopak bunga teratai mempunyai makna kesucian, kebersihan, dan kejujuran.
Logo dan lambang BPK RI (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia)
Tentang BPK RI
dari wikipedia Indonesia
Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (disingkat BPK) adalah lembaga tinggi negara dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia yang memiliki wewenang memeriksa pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan negara. Menurut UUD 1945, BPK merupakan lembaga yang bebas dan mandiri...
About BPK
Supreme Audit Agency (BPK abbreviated) is an institution of high country in Indonesia which has the authority and responsibility of checking the management of state finances. According to the 1945 Constitution, the CPC is a free and independent institution...
CPC members elected by the House of Representatives with respect to consideration of the Regional Representatives Council, and were inaugurated by the President.
Financial examination results submitted to the DPR, DPD and DPRD (according to authorities). history
Article 23 paragraph (5) of the Constitution of 1945 stipulates that the responsibility for checking on State Financial Audit Board held that an ordinance established by the Act. The test results submitted to the House of Representatives.
Article 23, paragraph (5) of the CONSTITUTION of 1945 stipulates that to examine the responsibilities of State Finances held an agency rule financial Examiners assigned by statute. The results of that examination are communicated to the House of Representatives.
Based on the 1945 CONSTITUTION mandate has been issued a letter of Government Assignment No. 11/OEM December 28, 1946, on the establishment of The Financial Examiner, on January 1, 1947, while based in the town of Magelang. At that time The Financial Examiner only had 9 employees and as Chairman of the first Financial Examiner is r. Soerasno. To begin its work, the Agency Financial Examiner with letters dated 12 April 1947 No. 94-1 has been announced to all establishments in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia concerning the duties and obligations in examining the responsibility about the finances of the State, while still using legislation that used to apply to the execution of duties of Algemene Rekenkamer (Netherlands Indies Financial Audit Agency), i.e. the ICW and IAR.
In the determination of the Government No. 6/1948 November 1948 6 seat Agency Financial Examiner moved from Magelang to Yogyakarta. The capital of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta has remained The Financial Examiners in accordance with article 23, paragraph (5) of the CONSTITUTION of 1945; Its Chairman was represented by r. Kasirman, who was appointed by Presidential DECREE on 31 January 1950 No. 13/A/1950 calculated from 1 August 1949.
With the creation of a unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS), based on the Constitutional Charter of the RIS on 14 December 1949, then formed the financial supervisory board (based in Bogor) which is one of the tools the State supplies RIS, as Chairman of the appointed r. Soerasno starting December 31, 1949, who previously served as Chairman of the Financial Examiner from Yogyakarta. The Board of Trustees Finance, RIS is based in Bogor occupies the former Office of the Algemene Rekenkamer Nederlandsch Indië Government during Civil Administratie (NICA).
With the formation of a unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 1950, the Board of Trustees Finance RIS in Bogor since 1 October 1950 merged with The Financial Examiner based UUDS 1950 and based in Bogor occupies the former Office of the Financial Superintendent Board of RIS. Personnel Board of Trustees Finance RIS taken from Financial Examiners Body element in Yogyakarta and the Algemene Rekenkamer in Bogor.
On 5 July 1959 issued a decree of the President of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA expressing the re-enactment the 1945 CONSTITUTION. Thus the financial supervisory board based on the 1950 CONSTITUTION back into a body of Financial Examiners under article 23 (5) of the CONSTITUTION of 1945.
Although The Financial Examiner fickle Financial Supervisory Board of RIS to be based on the Constitution of the Board of Trustees of RIS RI (UUDS 1950), then back into a Financial Examiner Agency based on the 1945 CONSTITUTION, but the cornerstone of the implementation of its activities still continue using the ICW and IAR.
In the mandates of Economics and President of the Declaration of Parama Ambeg Arta, and in the MPRS Decree No.. MPRS No. 11/MPRS/1960 and resolution. 1/Res/MPRS/1963 have expressed the desire to enhance the State Audit Board, so it can be an effective means of control. To achieve this purpose, the date of October 12, 1963, the Government issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No.. 7, 1963 (LN No.. 195 of 1963) which was later replaced by the Act (PERPU) No.. 6 of 1964 on the BPK New Style.
To replace the PERPU, issued Law no. 17 of 1965 which provides that the President, as the Leader of the Revolution inspection authority and the highest research for the preparation and management of the State Treasury. Chairman and Vice Chairman of BPK RI resident individual as Coordinating Minister and Minister.
Eventually by the MPRS Decree No. X/MPRS/1966, the position of MR RI returned at the position and function of Higher Institution as a State. So the underlying task of the CPC ACT RI need to be changed and finally realized in 1973 with law No. 5 in 1973 About The Financial Examiner.
In the era of Reform right now, the Agency has received the Financial support of the examiner of the Constitutional Council of the annual MPR RI in 2002 that strengthens the position of CPC external examiner as an institution of INDONESIA in the field of finances of the State, namely with the promulgation of the TAP MPR No.VI/MPR/2002 which, among others, reaffirm the position of the Agency as the sole Financial institution Examiner external finances of the State and its role needs to be established as an independent and professional institutions.
To further establish the tasks of the CPC governing provision of RI, RI in the CPC CONSTITUTION in 1945 has been amended. Prior to the amendment of MR RI just arranged in a single clause (article 23, paragraph 5) then the third Change in the Constitution developed into one separate chapter (ch. VIII A) with three chapters (23E and 23F, 23G) and seven verses.
To support its work, MR RI supported by a set of laws in the field of finances of the State, namely;
Law No. 17 of 2003 about the finances of the State; Law No. 1 of 2004 On the Treasury of the State; Law No. 3 of 2004 concerning the examination of the financial management and responsibility of the State; Act No. 15 of 2006 About Agency Financial Examiners.
Website : BPK RI