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PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia


The history of PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia (“SMBCI”) is begun with the establishment of “PT Bank Sumitomo Niaga” on 31 May 1989 as a joint venture bank between The Sumitomo Bank, Limited and PT Bank Niaga Tbk by virtue of Notarial Act No. 109 dated 13 May 1989 made before Winnie Hadiprodjo, S.H. as substitute of Kartini Muljadi, S.H. notary in Jakarta. The Deed has been approved by the Ministry of Justice in its Decree No. C2-7419.HT.01.01.Th89 dated 14 August 1989 and published in the State Gazette No. 73 dated 12 September 1989 supplement No. 1845/1989.

Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia logo

Bank was established to conduct general banking, obtained its operating license based on the Minister of Finance’s approval by virtue of Decree No. 958/ KMK.013/1989 dated 28 August 1989 and obtained license to conduct foreign currency transactions as well as the Bank Perception’s Treasury Fund..

On 30 November 1999, the Bank adopted a new name, “PT Bank Sumitomo Indonesia”. as stipulated in Notarial Act No. 26 dated 30 November 1999 made before notary in Jakarta. The Deed has been approved by the Ministry of Justice in its Decree No. C-20058HT.01.04. Th.99 dated 14 December 1999 and published in the State Gazette No. 16 dated 25 February 2000 Supplement No. 1011/2000.

In November 2000, the Bank and PT Bank Sakura Swadharma (which established in Indonesia on November 1989 and formerly named as PT Bank Mitsui Swadharma) jointly announced their merger plan that became effective on 2 April 2001, as a result of the merger of their respective parent banks in Japan, which was effective on 1 April 2001. In accordance with the merger deed No 13 dated 2 February 2001, PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia became the surviving bank and adopted its current name, “PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia”. The merger and the change of corporate name were approved by BI, respectively by virtue of the Decision Letters No. 3/5/Kep/GBI/2001 dated 27 March 2001 (for the merger) and No. 3/7/Kep/DGS/2001 dated 17 April 2001 (for the change of corporate name).

The articles association of SMBCI has been severally changed and the latest is as stipulated in notarial deed No. 33 dated 18 April 2016 concerning change of composition of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Bank and notarial deed No. 34 dated 18 April 2016 concerning amendment of Articles of Association of the Bank that both are made by Ashoya Ratam, S.H., M.Kn., Notary in Administrative city of South Jakarta.

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